Selasa, 11 Oktober 2016

Noteworthy Aspects of MongoDB Atlas

MongoDB has come up with a new database-as-a-service to make it simpler for you to access cloud based data. The initial version includes support for Amazon Web Services with support for Microsoft and Google platforms coming soon.

June 28, 2016 marked the launch of MongoDB Atlas, a new database as a service offering from MongoDB Company. This is the third most revenue generating service from the same company. This new service has been launched with a motive to provide users with a managed database service. The new service incorporates all the useful features of MongoDB and removes the operational overhead.
MongoDB Atlas is offered on pay-as-you-go-pricing model to account for reasonability of its use. The first release is equipped with deployment to Amazon Web Services (AWS). The company plans to come up with support for Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform in the near future.
MongoDB Atlas to line up in between Enterprise and Professional versions
Initial releases of MongoDB Enterprise and MangoDB Professional have been a hit in the market. Enterprise version is mainly for people that required running the service on the premise while Enterprise version provides extended support and access to Cloud Manager and other essential tools.
MongoDB Atlas compliments both these versions and has additional features for ease of usability and flexibility. It uses the best of both and manages to position itself somewhere in between previous two versions. Anyone who wants to use MongoDB Atlas service can quickly access the cloud and get the required support by paying on an hourly basis.
Cost associated with the use of MongoDB Atlas
The billing of MongoDB Atlas is calculated hourly depending on your usage. Three deciding factors for calculating the bill are number of servers used, its size and amount of time for which MongoDB Atlas was put to use. All these rates are included in the single bill to explain your hourly usage and backup costs.
Scalability of MongoDB Atlas
The new database-as-a-service is highly scalable with all the components properly managed by the company. Users are allowed to scale up or down on larger instance types with no significant application downtime. It is possible to scale out across multiple instances with MongoDB’s native sharing capabilities.
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Highlighting features of MongoDB Atlas
Automation of tasks: Operational tasks such as provisioning, patching, configuration, upgrades, failure recovery and backups can be accessed and control at the click of a button.
Security: MongoDB Atlas provides users with network isolation using Amazon VPC, robust access control, encryption of data in-flight using TLS/SSL, IP whitelists, and optional encryption of the underlying file system.
Availability: All your data is continuously backed up for recovery from failure. MongoDB has fully automated and transparent recovery process from instance failures, thereby making data available all the time.
Performance: Consistent performance and low latency are the reasons for increasing popularity and usage MongoDB Atlas. It delivers the same performance irrespective of high or low workload.
MongoDB Atlas is a new thing in the market and has shown no negative performance signs till now. It’s worth trying out this database-as-a-service once!

Rabu, 05 Oktober 2016

Mobile App – An Effective Marketing Tool for Businesses

'Should I consider investing in mobile app development for business app' is the question of many businessmen. This article highlights the facts and benenifits of going the mobile way for business

Are your marketing strategies not giving the expected results? If yes then it’s the time to revise your strategies considering the ongoing trend in the market. Change is the rule of nature and everyone, including businesses, has to accept this rule to survive in this cut-throat competition.

Is Going Mobile the Best Way Out?
What’s trending in the market is the best question to ask and research on before deciding on any marketing strategy to boost your business. Considering today’s scenario, there is nothing that garners more attention of audience than a mobile app. From news to social media, everything is accessed by people through mobile apps.

Rethinking on the previous statement of garnering public attention? Here’s an answer. Have you ever forgot your mobile phone at home or spent a day without it? The answer to this question explains the role of this pocket sized device in everyday life and its connectivity with people. From a business perspective, mobile app can be an effective tool to reach out to target audience.

What are Custom Mobile Apps?
Now that your goal is to help the business grow, custom mobile app is the right choice. These apps are meant to fulfill business requirements by connecting with target audience effectively and easily. It enables businesses to achieve their goals and gain a competitive advantage over others. Taking help of a reputed mobile app development company for building a custom app for your business is the best way to get assured returns in future.
Impact of Mobile Apps on Businesses
Well, having understood why is it wise to use mobile app to monetize and give a boost to business, let’s go ahead to learn about its direct impact on businesses.
Reach Target Audience with Mobile Geo-Targeting
Integration of geo-location technology in a mobile app enables businesses to send notifications to customers in proximity. In other words, targeting key users with location-specific and time sensitive messages becomes quite easy. This way of putting across meaningful ads in front of people at the right time and place is effective in attracting clients to your business.
Create Awareness
Mobile app is one way to promote your business and increase its awareness among audience. With millions of mobile phone users, the App Store is a big platform to mark a presence of your business. Business apps that serve the purpose of clients are bound to earn good name in the app market and thereby reinforce your brand.
Contact Clients Easily
Through mobile apps, businesses can send instant notification to their clients informing them about the new releases or products. This method is not only budget friendly means of advertising but also an effective way to get the attention of clients.
Concluding Note
Move ahead with the evolving technology and give your business a new presence in the app world. The need of mobile app for the benefit of business and its positive impacts discussed in the article are enough for a wise businessman to use the idea smartly.
This Article was brought by leading Mobile App Development Company - Hidden Brains