Selasa, 11 Agustus 2015

Native Apps Vs. Cross Platform Apps: Big Fight Continues

Mobile app development can be a treacherous path, requiring in-depth planning, precision and streamlining of processes to create a final app. It starts with an app idea and goes down to design, development, and deployment. However, one thing that needs to be decided even before you get down to the wireframe stage is which way you want to create or deploy your app.

It is important to decide whether you want to develop a native or cross-platform app. This is not as easy as it sounds. Remember, this is the most important part of the entire app development lifecycle and the final choice depends on several factors such as your budget, technical skills, and your end user base.

Native Apps

A native app is specifically developed for a particular device and installed directly on the device. Designed ground up, a native application is coded in a specific programming language and provides a high-degree of power, reliability and performance. A native app can be downloaded via app store such as Apple’s App Store and Google Play Store.

Native apps also have access to a device’s features such as camera or address book and in some cases work in offline mode also. However, the speed and functionality comes at a premium price. Since native apps are developed only for one particular operating system, very often company is forced to create multiple versions for different platforms.

Rise of Cross-platform Apps

Mobile strategy is not just about having apps rather the shift is towards supporting multiple mobile platforms. Some big companies have the luxury to focus on just one operating system and turn blind eye towards other operating systems. However, the fact remains that most businesses need to target different device types and platforms.

For a startup, developing for different platforms could be a daunting task in terms of budget and manpower resources. Thankfully, several development tools exist to overcome this barrier using cross-platform mobile framework.

Cross platform is basically a term used for the technique for developing apps with common code base. The cross platform app development tools use single code base to write your code, while the Cross Platform SDK produces apps that work on different platforms. Cross platform apps can be developed using cross platform tools which makes them run though different mobile devices.

The output of such platform does not necessarily be a Native Application and hence, native code.

Flexibility Comes at a Price

But the low cost of cross platform app development comes at a hefty cost. One of the major drawbacks of using Cross Platform app development tools is that in order to customize within the app, you always have to rely on the cross-platform tool itself. This restricts you from capitalizing on the security, performance, and upgrades of the platform. The code might not run fast compared to using other native tools. Furthermore, the Framework might not support each and every feature of an OS or Device.


Native apps might be an expensive proposition. However, they are faster and much more efficient. If you want to take strategic advantage of latest features in the underlying OS, a targeted user experience for the platform, robust performance and complete control over optimization, a native app will work out to be the best option. However, if you want to quickly launch a mobile app on several platforms with a fast time to market, you can consider cross platform tools.

How do you approach cross-platform development for mobile apps? Are you in favor of using a framework or in favor of native all the way? Let us know your thoughts.

Senin, 10 Agustus 2015

Top 5 Mobile Application Development Platforms

Whether it is consumer or enterprise mobile apps that empower organizations, we have witnessed the explosion of apps. App stores are inundated with millions of mobile apps. There is an app for everything imaginable under the sun. If you have an app idea, but are bogged down by lack of budget or technical resources, you are not alone.

top 5 mobile application development platfroms

Over the last year, the demand for ready enterprise-class mobile cross platform development reached an unimaginable level. Many companies be it startups or mid-sized organizations are realizing the need to adapt to the mobile world to reach out to new users, streamline processes and minimize costs. The ability to rapidly develop and deploy apps means cross platform development tools will become important over the coming years and will trigger the next level of changes.

The mobile app development is no longer a treacherous path. You don’t need to be coding geek or have thousands of dollars to hire developers. With a small investment, you can entirely create your own mobile site or application using one of the platforms listed below. This will allow you to transform your app ideas into realities, such as providing seamless mobile experience, increasing revenue as well as user engagement.

Here are the top 5 mobile application development tools:

1. Xamarin

xamarin mobile application development platform

Xamarin is a cross-platform tool that helps build native iOS and Android apps, as well as Windows and Mac apps with a single shared C#codebase. Based in San Francisco with offices in Europe, Asia and South America, the company lets developers test apps on several hundreds of devices via Xamarin Cloud service, offers Xamarin Studio IDE, and runs live online classes with its Xamarin University program. Xamarin prides itself for being associated with big brand names such as Microsoft, Kellog’s, Bosch and Dow Jones.

2. Kony

kony mobile application development platform

For the third consecutive year, Kony has been named a “Gartner Mobile Application Development Platform Magic Quadrant Leader.” Kony offers a wide range of tools as part of its enterprise mobility platform. This helps businesses create apps from a single codebase. The Studio platform uses JavaScript and simple drag and drop reusable widgets with the ability to import existing or third party libraries.

3. PhoneGap

phonegap mobile application development platform

It is important to note that building applications for your device, such as iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile requires different frameworks and languages. PhoneGap is a free and open source framework that lets you create mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. PhoneGap bridges the gap between web applications and mobile devices by using standard-based web technologies.

4. Appcelerator

appcelerator mobile application development platform

Appcelerator is a mobile app development platform purpose-built for the mobile world that allows creating great mobile app experiences, with reduced time to market and scale according to needs. Appcelerator uses JavaScript for rich native mobile and cloud-connected mobile apps. This platform provides real-time mobile analytics which helps to power user engagement and measure results.

5. Sencha

sencha mobile application development platform

Sencha Touch is the leading MVC-based JavaScript framework for building cross-platform mobile web applications and universal apps. Sencha Touch provides one of the most comprehensive collections of UI widgets built specifically for mobile platforms such as lists, menus, and toolbars.

The charting package lets visually represent data with a broad range of chart types such as line, bar, and pie charts. Sencha Touch charts utilizes HTML5 canvas to get a high-performance native feel.


Before you take a plunge into mobile application development, it is important to take stock of your priorities. Since no single platform will ever be able to meet all your development needs, bottom-line is to select the platform that is most appropriate for your business goals, needs, and challenges and ultimately, the one most appealing for your end users.

Minggu, 09 Agustus 2015

Microsoft Hyperlapse: Smoothen and Stabilize First-person Videos

Nobody can slow down the time and the speed of any moving object. Microsoft has brought Hyperlapse for you, Microsoft Hyperlapse is new technology to produce stabilized and smooth lapses of videos.

MIcrosoft Hyperlapse

It would be astonishing to show your friends what you have seen or done in your last trip, hike or any adventure, while they were watching your stupendous video with his technology, they would be feeling themselves there to have that fun. It would be speechless to them.

MIcrosoft Hyperlapse

Microsoft Hyperlapse enables you to time lapse your past amazing experiences, distill them to more expressible and enjoyable experiences.

After 20 years of hardworking and extensive research, Microsoft invented Hyperlapse for you. This makes your hiking, rock climbing, mountaineering and such adventurous first-person videos to smooth and stabilized.

Microsoft provides you this software for PC and mobile devices.
If you are a developer of Media Company, you can use this software suite on Microsoft Azure Cloud.

Image source and resource [Microsoft Research]

Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2015

Apple iOS 9 Beta: Things You Need To Know

iOS 9 is one of the most awaited launch of this year, the developer version is already available and recently Beta version is also available to use. With this Beta OS update, your phone will be loaded with lots of amazing features and functionalities offered by Apple.

iOS 9

Currently, iOS9 Beta version is available to make it more better for all your compatible Apple devices. At WWDC 2015 Apple announced to release the official iOS9 at this fall.

Apple iOS 9 Beta Thing You Need To Know

Well, Beta versions of any software products are meant for testing the product and enhancing it accordingly to provide a better, fault-free product as a end release.

Compatible Apple devices for iOS9 Beta version:

What are the major flaws you will cater with this update:

  • App Compatibility
  • Support
  • Device Performance
If you want to read more about these issues and other iOS9 related information then visit iOS 9 Beta, Bugs, and Compatibility: Everything You Wanted to Know

Kamis, 06 Agustus 2015

Top 9 Android Mobile Phone Browser Apps

Why to ask anyone for best browser for your android devices. There are so many browser available in Google Play Store. I have enlisted most downloaded and installed, best Android browser below:

1. Google Chrome

Google Chrome Browser for Android

Google Chrome is one of the best, mostly used web and mobile browser. It have all the features to make your surfing secure and easy. You can surf many websites simultaneously and parallely.

Get It On Google Play

2. Firefox Browser

Firefox Browser for Android

Firefox browser is the second most used browser in PC now it is available for Android platforms. It makes you browsing faster and secure just like the PC version. It supports all HTML5 and CSS3 new features.

Get It On Google Play

3. Opera Mini

Opera Browser for Android

Opera Mini is one of the oldest mobile web browser, people are using it since, the inception of Android devices. It is trustable, secure, faster and tiny in size.

Get It On Google Play

4. UC Browser

UC Browser for Android

UC Browser Mini is a tiny package with great user experience. UC Browser Mini is a lightweight browser especially useful to low specification Android mobile phone users. It utilizes less storage space and full features.

Get It On Google Play

5. Yandex Browser

Yandex Browser for Android

Yandex offers you voice search functionality apart from al those browser features that are basic to any browser. You can access your favorite website conveniently and quickly. Search your favorites sites with lesser clicks. It provides you push to call feature.

Get It On Google Play

6. Dolphin Browser

Dolphin Browser for Android

Dolphin browser with lightning fast speed, provides you the best experience to surf and browse. It provides gesture control, flash support and add-ons for availing extra features.

Get It On Google Play

7. ASUS Browser

ASUS Browser for Android

ASUS browser is available to use with your Android devices. Earlier it was available with ZenUI.

Get It On Google Play

8. APUS Browser

APUS Browser for Android

APUS browser is latest though it has lots of amazing features like, faster, lightweight, allows incognito, parallel browsing and it is easy to use. Its size is less then 1 MB.

Get It On Google Play

9. CM Browser

CM Browser for Android

CM browser secure you from malicious and fraudulent. You can surf website with ease and fast speed. And most importantly it reserves less size than other browsers.

Get It On Google Play

Download your favorite mobile web browsers and enjoy fast, easy and secure browsing  with your Android devices anywhere anytime with ease.

Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2015

Google Eddystone: Open Source and Cross Platform Beacon Technology

According to Google, Eddystone is a protocol specification that defines a Bluetooth low energy (BLE) message format for proximity beacon messages. It describes several different frame types that may be used individually or in combinations to create beacons that can be used for a variety of applications.

Google Eddystone

Give your users better location and proximity experiences by providing a strong context signal for their devices in the form of Bluetooth low energy (BLE) beacons with Eddystone™, the open beacon format from Google.

The Eddystone specification includes a number of broadcast frame types, including Eddystone-URL, the backbone of the Physical Web.

Eddystone: Openness and Flexibility

Google Eddystone Location Proximity

Well, it is not just the open nature; Eddystone supports multiple frame types for different use cases, making it easy to introduce new functionality easily. Historically, Bluetooth beacons signify one-way communications with the primary goal of sending a notification capable of displaying or transferring information upon a tap. Due to support of multiple frameworks, vendors will be able to use Eddystone for different functionality or purpose.

It can broadcast three signal types: UUID (similar to the iBeacon standard), URL (a successor to the UriBeacon standard) and TLM (a new telemetry signal).


Universally Unique Identifier (UUID): This is a 128-bit value that can separately identify every specific beacon in the world, which an app can listen and perform actions for. For instance, you can walk in WalMart, your favorite retail store. WalMart could deploy beacons in its store. The Walmart app could be programmed to listen for specific beacons and send special coupons or such information. The downside to UUIDs is that you need the appropriate app do anything with the information. This brings us to the second frame type.

URLs: With this capability, users don’t need to download app. The store can send a URL to the user’s phone and the consumer can look up the coupon or relevant information on a web browser. URL instead of UUID looks like a feasible option with universal appeal. It works best for small businesses without a dedicated app.

beacon fleet

Ephemeral Identifiers (EIDs): Privacy and security are the center point of this new technology. With Ephemeral Identifiers (EIDs), you can allow only authorized clients to decode them. While the technical specification of this feature will be released soon, we can be rest assured that this feature will allow users to do tasks in a secure manner.

Telemetry Data: This frame type would allow organization to manage their vast fleets of beacons. Beacons are battery driven and need batteries changed or fixed frequently. Telemetry frame type in sync with Proximity Beacon API can help deployers monitor beacons’ battery health and displacement.

Know more about Google's Eddystone