Jumat, 31 Juli 2015

Get Your Microsoft Windows 7 or 8 Upgraded to Windows 10

With the launch of Windows 10, Microsoft begins to deliver on the vision of personal computing. In the words of Microsoft this is the “new era of Windows” that extends across the broadest range of devices from the smallest to the largest screens.

Windows 10 Start Menu

Windows 10 is a perfect amalgamation of the winning qualities of Windows 7 and Windows 8. It brings the best of both desktop and the touch-screen worlds. This operating system is easy to use with mouse and keyboard and at the same time gets better touch-screen features. It is an operating system that has a fresh feel, yet looks amazingly familiar.

Windows 10 Upgrade Option

The legendary Start menu is back with a bang and Microsoft’s new virtual assistant Cortana and Edge browser infuse new life into Windows.

Windows 10

Microsoft has made sincere attempts to overcome the blunders of Windows 8 which was built for touch computing at a time when people were still using keyboards and track pads. Windows 8 turned out to be a disastrous experience for users without touchscreens. However, with the launch of Surface tablet and touch-enabled PCs, Windows 8 started making bit of more sense to its users. But the damage was done and Windows 8 had created ruckus among users. It was indeed a humbling experience for the tech giant.

Read more about Microsoft Windows 10

Senin, 27 Juli 2015

Augmented Reality: Revolutionary 3D Head & Neck Anatomy Book

Today I was checking my mail and I found an article written about a book Head & Neck Anatomy. This is the latest book for Anatomy of sculptors.

Why this book is so different from other books? Answer is Augmented Reality. Have you ever heard about this topic. This is the most popular and viral topic nowadays.

Well, the thing is this book is going to provide you the 3D images of head and neck, just imagine the revolution. Medical student will be be directly benefited for their studies.

This book's 3D model will help sculptors, painters and artist to develop more detailed sculptures easily and fastly.

Your body is kinda complex and it is very hard to learn about everything. Your brains is most complex and important part of your body. To know more about the activities and working of your brain need to develop such 3D techniques

With the use of Augmented Reality technology you will be able to access all those 3D images right through your app anytime, anywhere.

This book is fully focused on using CT Scan, 3D Scan, MRI, and 3D modelling of head and neck. This is going to be amazing, Kickstarter is funding this project.


See Also: Visionize

Kamis, 23 Juli 2015

Google Polymer: Create and Reuse the Web Components

Polymer is to deliver speed and efficiency. Create your web component with new leaner core libraries. It is easy to create, fast and beautiful web component using Google Polymer.

Google Polymer

According to Google Polymer website major new and updated features include:
  • New, fast, and easy-to-use data binding system
  • Custom CSS properties for element themes and style
  • Fast and lightweight Shadow DOM shim for non-supporting browsers
  • “Behaviors” mechanism for sharing behavior between elements
  • Create production-ready elements using Polymer, to use in your app or share with other developers.
  • Earlier we were using DOM for enabling shadow effect which was heavy to load, Polymer 1.0 replaces this with lightweight shim using new faster data-binding system.
Polymer is build for modern browsers. Read more about this awesome technology "Google Polymer" leverage web component, designed to create and provide reusable component for web.

Google Polymer Customize Web Elements


Polymer: Transcends Beyond Web Development

Polymer is not just about web development but transcends to the design elements. Polymer’s paper elements collection involves material design for the web. The core elements provide several unthemed elements to achieve material design app layouts and scrolling among other effects. Polymer aims to create a consistent user experience (UX) across a Web property from several Polymer elements.

Developers will be able to use per-built Polymer designs elements and themes. Ultimately, the goal is to eliminate modifying complex source code of web to align with design goals and troubleshooting complex bugs. Google Polymer is a step in the right direction.

Senin, 20 Juli 2015

Core Organizer: Must Have Productivity Mobile App

Core Organizer, a mobile app for iOS and Android devices is one of the simplest and secure option to organize your day to day task easily.

The most important thing about this is app is that it was featured on Discovery channel.

What you can do with Core Organizer:
  • Allows you to save vital information into different categories.
  • Allows you to capture and organize personal information for day to day activities such as:
    • House
    • Finances
    • Sporting Events
    • Collections
    • Heath Documents and Information
    • Travel Itinerary
    • Books
    • Films
    • Music
    • Private thoughts
  • You can use it as your personal diary to save about anything you wish.
  • Security-fist approach
  • Intuitive interface
  • Multiplication device sync

Read more about Core Organizer.

Jumat, 17 Juli 2015

Hybrid Apps vs. Web Apps: Big Fight Continues

Mobile apps have taken off in a big way. Whether it is reading emails, social networking, image sharing or shopping, there is an app for virtually anything imaginable under the sun. Mobile applications open up a whole new world of opportunities. But it is a very complex world. If you are planning to launch app, you’re bombarded with technical jargon. There is always an age old debate over different mobile application development methods such as native, hybrid and web apps.

We all know that the speed and efficiency of native apps is unmatched. However, web and hybrid app development is gaining more popularity in the enterprise world. The need to develop business-to-employee apps is expected to grow at an exponential rate in the future. Most companies do not want to maintain different codebases for app.

This phase could be very confusing.

In this blog post, we will provide quick comparison between hybrid and web app that will help you decide which option is the most feasible for you.

What are Hybrid Apps?

Hybrid mobile apps are built with web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and hosted inside a native application that utilizes a mobile platform’s webview. They can take advantage of device features.

Companies often develop hybrid apps as wrappers for an already existing web page. In this manner, they can make their presence in the app store, without spending too much time or resource for developing a different app.

Hybrid Apps

Hybrid apps are hugely popular because they allow cross-platform development which significantly reduces development costs. After all, same HTML code components can be reused on mobile operating systems. Tools such as PhoneGap allow people to design and code for different platforms, using the power of HTML.

In some cases, native code is used to access the wider functionality of the device and create a better user experience.

However, it is not as picture perfect as it seems. Getting your hybrid app to function flawlessly on each platform might turn out to be a big ordeal. Very often the total cost might offset cost advantage of native apps. Speed and performance might be sluggish compared to native apps.

Biggest advantage of hybrid app is that you can add functionality and let multiple versions for different operating systems benefit from it.

What are Web Apps?

Web apps are not applications, rather websites with the look and feel of native application. Web apps typically run in HTML5. Web app is basically a web-page or series of web pages that are designed to flawlessly perform on the tiny screen. The content of your website is searchable because it is on the web. Users can first access the web page as they navigate to a URL and have the option of “installing” on their home screen.

Web Apps

With the rise of HTML5, web apps became really popular. Developers have discovered the potential of HTML5 in creating native apps-like functionality in the browser.

Quick Comparison between Hybrid and Web Apps


Web apps are a lot more discoverable on the web. People are likely to look for information on a search engine and browse a page from the search results. Most users are not going to install and maintain apps on their device.


Installing a hybrid app is a hassle for user. For web app, the user needs to save it as a bookmark. Upon bookmarking the app’s icon will appear on the home screen.


If you are planning to target different platforms, the web offers an attractive solution. Your target is the mobile browser. Hybrid also comes across well because of its reliance upon the WebView.


If you are planning to distribute your application from an app store, you need a hybrid application.

Hybrid Apps vs Web Apps

The web app advocates consider web apps better compared to native apps. Flexibility, less cost, functionality and low dependence on hardware. But web apps will require an Internet connection to work. They are designed for every platform and therefore won’t behave like a real app for a single platform.


What works for you?

There is no magic formula. It entirely depends on your needs and objectives. Before you take a plunge into app development, it is important to analyze and ask questions.
What are your audience needs?

Do you want to monetize?

What is your budget?

What is the technical strength of your development team?

Which platform do you wish to target?

Are you looking to leverage functionality of mobile device?
Both hybrid and web apps are not the be-all and end-all solutions. They come with their strengths and drawbacks. It is up to you to decide which option works well for you and which one you will use in your application.

Selasa, 14 Juli 2015

Google Fi: A New Way for Better Network Connection

Google's project Fi is working for the betterment of wireless internet. In collaboration with leading carriers, hardware makers and users Google is going to deliver fast and easily available wireless network for all of you.

Google Fi

With the use of new technologies and hardware you will receive better and faster connection to wi-fi.

Do you feel network downgrade while you moving around. Google's Fi is a network of networks that is going to give you high quality internet connection.
Do you want to use the 4G network of other carriers? Why not? Google Fi is going to enable you to access best of two 4G LTE networks without sacrificing your fast and better internet need.
Stay connected to fast network and your dear one with hassle free network around the world. and get connected to better wi-fi. With Fi you can connect with several verified free wi-fi hotspots. Google Fi is a F for Free and I for Internet.

Read more about Google Fi in detail.

Senin, 13 Juli 2015

Mobile App Developers: 7 Mistakes to Avoid

Mobile app developers job is not just only to develop a working mobile application as per requirement.

Developers has major role in this whole mobile app development life cycle. Therefore it is needed to keep some point in mind to avoid mistakes that could be problematic in future.

No mobile app could be successful if it could not properly developed and promoted among its potential users. There are so many developers that have developed mobile apps to monetize their apps.

There are some point needed to be care about by all developers. Otherwise, it could lead them to a big loss. Without wasting time let us talk about such mistakes that any developers need to avoid during app development life cycle until deployment and marketing.

1. Multi-platform Hype:

Avoid developing your mobile app for all mobile platforms at once. Focus on just one platform whether it is Android or iOS or any other.

Develop a proper strategy make it properly workable for one platform otherwise, it would be time consuming and costly for you.

Single platform develop app could make you collect several useful feedbacks and promote it such that people start loving it.

2. Overloading Features:

Avoid over loading mobile apps with lots of features at once. Simple apps are more popular than complex mobile apps. Try to make your app simple and interactive with useful features only.

You have lots off time to make your app perfect by collecting feedbacks from your users and testing your app for different conditions and user perspective.

Nobody likes extra cheese if it makes the eatable unhealthy and tasteless. Therefore, observe and analyze you customers.

3. User Experience:

Why are you developing this app? What it will do and how it will help others? If you and your app is not focusing on these question then you are doing it all wrong. Avoid not to keep keep your app user centric.

Your will not succeed until it will be helpful and a solution to a problem. Focus, focus and focus on making your app user centric.

4. Flexibility:

Avoid making your apps complex that need time to understand. Code them neat and clean such that whenever you want to upgrade just go through the module and put some code or modify the existing.

Obviously, no app is perfect it needed to be made perfect by regular updates and collecting feedbacks and user statics. Survey your potential customer to know their need, what functionalities do they want.

5. The Analytics:

Analytics plays a key role after the deployment of mobile app. Mobile app analytics makes you keep an eye on your mobile app to know how it is working.

Analytics allows you to keep track of your mobile app downloads, installs and various event and activities. By analyzing you app you get to what and where you need to make change or adds some features.

So, do not avoid using analytics for your mobile app. If you are not using it, then start using it now.

6. Marketing:

Marketing and promotion of app is much needed to make people aware of your mobile app. Start promoting your mobile app on social media and various app promotion activities. Allow users to freely download and use your mobile app.

Promote your everywhere make it visible such that people start downloading it. If they like they will refer to other, collect their feedbacks and reviews.

7. Mobile App Monetization:

You have a perfectly working app that has a good active user base then, why not to monetize your app. You can let your app to show in-app ads. whenever any use click it you will get paid accordingly.

Start focusing on above points and make your mobile app successful within time. Do not avoid what you need not to avoid.

Selasa, 07 Juli 2015

How Mobile Apps and Big Data Can Revolutionize Healthcare

Healthcare apps are growing in numbers finally. Doctors are using healthcare apps to be more effective. On the other hand, patients are using apps to monitor specific aspects of their health, bridge the gaps in their medical care, and take complete responsibility about well-being. Everything can be done with a tap right from managing appointments, checking lab tests, selecting medicines, to collaborating with physicians from across the globe. It goes without saying that both doctors and patients are using mobile apps to stay in touch in a far more efficient manner.

Healthcare apps have made it easy for patients, physicians and caregivers to access information and services anytime, anywhere. Here are few advantages of healthcare apps:

Improved patient engagement

Very often healthcare is associated with complexity. It is not unusual to forget how many pills you need to take every day or when is your next trip to the doctor. Apps can shrug off the complexity associated with healthcare. It all boils down to simplicity and convenience which improves patient engagement levels.

Easy access to care

Thanks to technology there is no longer the need for patients and doctors to be in the exact same location. Mobile apps have made remote monitoring possible. It is easy for doctors to consult patients suffering from chronic diseases or living in far off areas. Healthcare apps and remote monitoring often eliminate the need of patients to visit physicians. In most cases, healthcare services can be delivered in a virtual manner.

Improved patient safety

Patient safety is paramount, no matter what. Healthcare apps take us one step forward towards managing health of patients. Whether it is scheduling appointments, monitoring medications chart, setting reminders for next visit to doctor, healthcare mobile apps can help you plan your schedule. With healthcare apps around there is no need to navigate through voluminous paper work. Just get all the information at a tap. Undoubtedly, this would be highly advantageous to manage patient safety.

Big Data & Wearables: Changing Healthcare

Smart phones were just the beginning. A new trend of wearable devices has come up such as Fitbit, Jawbone and Samsung Gear Fit. Millions of users are now using mobile technology to help us try and live healthier lifestyles. It allows users to track your progress and upload your data.

There is a lot of buzz about big data in healthcare. Big Data in healthcare is used to predict major epidemics and improve the overall quality of life and avoid preventable deaths. With the changing technology the focus is now shifting towards understanding patient as much as possible and picking warning signs of serious illness. In short, the core emphasis is on the fact that treatment is not only simple, but also less expensive. With Big Data, person’s data can be compared with others suffering from similar problems to highlight patterns and enable comparison. As a result, doctor will be able to view the likely result of prescribed treatment which is backed by data from other patients.

Another important partnership between Apple and IBM proves beyond a doubt that both companies are using big data health platform to allow iPhone and Apple Watch users to share data to IBM’s Watson Health cloud healthcare analytics service. The guiding principle behind this move is to gain medical insights from real-time activity and biometric data from millions of potential users.


Healthcare apps have brought about a paradigm shift in people’s perception of healthcare. Ultimately, everything boils down to making healthcare more accessible to patients and providing effective tools to manage case loads.

Senin, 06 Juli 2015

Top 5 Mobile App Development Company in Asia

Mobile app development is the trending IT service nowadays. Since the inception Apple and then Android mobile market has changed completely.

Earlier we were using simple mobile phones for calling, texting and receiving. After few year multimedia mobile phone launched. Multimedia mobile phones enabled people to capture images, store songs and videos.

Top 5 Mobile App Development Company in Asia

Simultaneously mobile phone start getting more up-gradation in memory and RAM. Mobile screen also scaled up to provide you best view and look and feel.

Currently, mobile phones are loaded with loads of mobile applications that makes our day to day life and task easier than ever. We have everything on our fingertip.

Recently, I have read and article about Augmented Reality, and so I can imagine what gonna happen next. everything would be connected to each other and we would be able to control every smart device around us.

Now, let us talk about mobile applications. I am sure reading above some lines you will concluded the future of mobile applications.

Mobile App Development Asia

Everybody have good ideas, what they need is to come forward and do things to make their idea multi-million. You have lots of examples around you such as Whatsapp, Hike, Wechat, Snapchat and the list is so huge.

These apps are earning for their developers or the owners. I just want you to come up and choose one of the below company to make your idea that popular, to make your app that viral, because what I think is every idea has a solution to some problems and we human love those things that solve our problems.

After analyzing over the web and Googling I have found below mobile app development companies that are focused in this niche and has developed so many trending and successful mobile apps for iOS, Android to Windows i.e., any platform.

1. HBMobileLabs

One of the leading IT company awarded with fastest growing company in Asia region. It has delivered 1000+ mobile apps to 97+ countries and growing rapidly our the globe. visit HBMobilelabs.com company profile and have a look around their huge portfolio. I must say Inquire them for your idea and feel 10+ years of experience and their cost-effectiveness.

Hidden Brains has pool of talent for 25+ technologies whether it is mobile, web or embedded. You will get everything at one place. They working for Internet of Things and visit their future product ControlAny then you'll know how they are working for solving all sorts of problems.

2. Sourcebits

It is working in this niche and providing all platform mobile application development services.

3. Openxcell

Openxcell is also growing and developing mobile apps. It has delivered mobile apps for all the major mobile app development platforms.

4. Mobile Smith

As the name says they are forging mobile apps like smiths. they believe in better quality and mainly focus over Apple technologies.

5. 360 Degree Technosoft

It has come into lime light with their 360 degree performance in mobile and web technologies. However, they need some time and experience to grow. Still, they are promising whatever and exceptional.

Sabtu, 04 Juli 2015

Top 10 Essential Mobile Apps That Any Android Phone Must Have

People are are crazy about mobile phones and Android phones are cheap to buy, so every 4 people out of 5 have Android phone in their pocket.

Buying a new Android phone is easy but how to maintain and manage it is not that easy to for everyone. Therefore, I have enlisted some very essential Android apps that you must have in your phone to get more from your phone.

1.Clean Master (Boost & AppLock)

Clean Master (Boost & AppLock)

This is the most useful app, you must have this in your phone. It optimizes your phone. It removes unwanted files and boosts your phone. It locks unwanted apps. It makes your phone faster.


2. Omni Swipe Launcher

Omni Swipe Launcher

Everything at your fingertip just swipe through and scroll through all your apps. An Android app launcher for lazy people.


3. Truecaller


Now, you don't need to worry about unknown callers. This app will tell you who is calling you. Locate and get essential detail like name, location and network operator.


4. Adobe Acrobat Reader

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Read PDF document in your phone. Adobe Acrobat Reader is the free version of PDF reader from Adobe.


5. Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger

If you are frequent user of Facebook then you must have this app in your phone. Get notify and connected with your friends anytime and anywhere.


6.Whatsapp Messenger

Whatsapp Messenger

Whatsapp is the most popular messaging app. Facebook has equired this recently. Now you can call your contact freely.




Skype is the instant messaging and video calling app by Microsoft. It is free to call Skype friends and for other calls you have to pay.




Chat with your friends, snap a photo or video, add comment and share it with your friends. People are going crazy for this app.




Twitter is again a very popular social media platform. Stay connected and read your feed anytime just in your pocket no need to sign in again and again through your browsers.


10. Microsoft Office Mobile

Microsoft Office Mobile

Doc, PPT and other files have great use officially. To read your doc files you need an app and Microsoft is started providing Office for mobile for free.


Get above all apps and make your Android phone do better for you.