Jumat, 29 Mei 2015

Know How Developers are Implementing Security to Android

Google I/O 2015 is one of the perfect occasions when the world looks forward not only to the key announcements that are to be made, but also to the strategic decision at the core that can change the future of how mobility is perceived. In this article, let’s talk about Android security.

Android Security – Significant Developments in 2014
  • Enabling deployment of full disk encryption.
  • Expanding the use of hardware protected cryptography.
  • Improving the Android application sandbox with SELinux (Security Enhanced Linux) based Mandatory Access Control system (MAC).
  • Developers provided with improved tools to detect and react to related security vulnerabilities, including the SecurityProvider and the nogotofail project.
  • Providing device manufacturers with ongoing support for fixing vulnerabilities related to device security – along with development of 79 security patches.
  • Better adapted to respond to potential susceptibilities in key areas, such as the updateable WebView in Android 5.0.
Read more about Android Security.

Kamis, 28 Mei 2015

Best Mobility Solutions for Enterprises

Gone are the days when the employees had to stay glued to their seats in order to access the data and required information from their desktops. Nowadays, all the work can be optimized for mobile and this helps reduce the sales cycle for your business as well.

According to statista.com global spend on mobile app is increasing gradually since 2009. Have look at below statistic chart:
Mobility solutions can enable work anytime, anywhere. As enterprise mobility solutions help the users get real time business information, it can assist you in taking better business decisions as well. The employees can take faster decisions and the work processes become smoother; similarly with the sales and marketing team members, who can perform their tasks much more seamlessly.

Read more about enterprise mobility solution.

Rabu, 27 Mei 2015

Top 7 Hottest Mobile Application Development Trends of 2015

Latest Mobile App Development Trends

Mobile app development trends are changing every year. New technologies are emerging, and replacing older one, to make development process more efficient, faster, easier and robust. Following are 7 hottest trends of 2015 in this niche:

Latest Mobile App Development Trends

1. Internet of Things (IoT):

IoT is most popular this year. Most of the developers are getting involved in this project. People at IoT working for making life more easier, smarter and autonomous.

Internet of Things

IoT is a scenario in which objects, animals or people are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

Read more about IoT, follow below links,

2. Swift for iOS Development:

If you are an iOS developer, then start learning Swift programming language. Swift is getting popularity among iOS developers. Although Objective C is not dead, for becoming a true professional of iOS development, you have to be known with Objective C also.

Swift for iOS Development

Read more about swift,

3. Cross Platform Mobile App Development:

Cross platform, as the name says, you don't need to develop, apps for a particular platform. With cross platform app development tools, you can develop platform-independent apps, accessible through multiple platforms.

Cross Platform Mobile App Development

Learn more about cross platform app development and its tools

4. Enterprise Mobile App Development:

Enterprises are always looking for productivity enhancement, best time utilization products. If you have better solution for enterprises, to increase productivity and make money. Then, enterprises will pay you more than what you get paid through consumer apps. That is why, enterprise mobile app development is in pace, to make businesses better and autonomous.

Enterprise Mobile App Development

Know more about Enterprise mobile app development

5. Cloud Based Mobile App Development:

Adopting cloud for mobile app development makes development processes more easier and efficient. By incorporating cloud based mobile app development, you will not need to install SDK's, emulator and other testing tools.

Cloud Based Mobile App Development

Cloud development gives you everything on your fingertip. What you just have to have is, better internet connection and you development system.

Read more about cloud mobile app development

6. Mobile App Marketing:

Mobile app marketing got its true pace in mid of 2014. As you know there are lots of mobile apps available in iOS and Android store but they are not popular, most of people doesn't know about it. To get more exposure and engagement, it is needed to market mobile apps. Nothing can get popular in recent time without marketing.

Mobile App Marketing

Read more about App Marketing

7. In-App Advertising and Purchasing:

In-App ads are like ads in website. App developers and owner can decide where to place ads. To get more engagement for your app In-App ads is the best resource to utilize.

In-App Advertising and Purchasing

Some apps are free to use, however, to access more feature their user needs to purchase those features or upgrade the app or game.

In-App ads generates engagement and payoff those apps owner who are letting these ads to appear in their mobile apps.

Read more about In-App ads
New things brings more strength and better solution. IoT is working for the change and bringing something, that would connect everything with internet.

We Provide Mobile Application Development Services... Get Your Mobile App Developed!

Selasa, 26 Mei 2015

Hidden Brains Hospital Information Management System for Total Hospital Management

Hospital Information Management System (HIMS)

Hospitals have lots of thing to manage. So, it is needed to manage information about health professionals, patients and all the employees working in that hospital.

Hospital Information Management System

With Hospital Management System it becomes easy to manage all the information. Such that whenever it is needed hospitals can have it on their fingertip.

An error-free revolutionary Product from Hidden Brain i.e., Hospital Information Management System (HIMS), HIMS requires less human resources, very little time to access patient details requirement and thereby a great cost management tool.

Hospital Information Management System

I must say hospitals with this software can save their precious time and money. For more information visit HIMS

Senin, 25 Mei 2015

Trafficless Holidays Around US with Updated Google Maps

No Traffic, No Time Waste, Reach Your Destination in Time Anywhere in US

Nobody want to wait and get stuck into traffic. Every one of you, love their precious time and you always want to reach at your place within time.

So, get ready to roam anywhere in US. Google is updating Google Maps, with new traffic alerts, to help you get rid of jams and get most out of your lovely holiday or weekend.

You just need to feed your destination and bang! you'll get all upcoming traffic conditions such that you can take alternative route towards your destination.

It will also tell you, how much time this jam would take, and provides you safe alternate routes, to save your precious time, so you can enjoy more with your buddies and family, whomsoever you are with.

One more thing it will show you, i.e., top Google Map Trends, such that you would know, how people around the country are looking to celebrate their holidays.

If you don't have Google Maps in your mobile device then download it from here;

Download for iOS

Download for Android

Visit Google Maps on your Tablets Laptops and PCs

Enjoy your holidays, memorial days and vacation with Google Maps time saving update. Read more here or visit official Google Maps webpage.

How IoT is Making Business Smarter

Businesses Getting Smarter with IoT

Today I was searching for IoT(Internet of Things), I read a nicely written blog post stating all about IoT and how it is changing the business world.

IoT and Business

After reading this post I got to know how IoT is changing the tech and business world definitions. Businesses are going smarter by sensing internet of things.

I am amazed to learn the advantages of IoT for businesses. If you want to learn more about IoT and business enhancement visit Internet of Things in Business.

Sabtu, 23 Mei 2015

Prototype Your Apple Watch App in Just 10 Minutes

Apple Watch App Prototyping Made Easy

Half decade back there was hype of web application, then came mobile applications and now it is wearable applications.


Since the launch of Apple's watch, wearable market is getting tough competition in this niche. Today I am going to share some tools with you that will let you prototype your Apple watch app within 10 minutes with ThinkApps.

You can create your free Apple Watch Apps prototype in just 10 minutes with ThinkApps. No coding knowledge required.

Apple Watch App Prototype

ThinkApps is an on-demand service for designing and building stunning apps for web, mobile, and wearable, including Apple Watch. Based out of San Francisco, ThinkApps powers top Silicon Valley startups and innovative enterprise companies exploring the cutting edge.

For more information visit and start using ThinkApps for Apple Watch App prototype.

Jumat, 22 Mei 2015

Google's Android Pay: Mobile Payment Getting Easier

After Apple Pay and Samsung Pay, payment services by Apple and Samsung for iPhone 6 and Samsung 6, Google's SVP Sundar Pichai announced Android Pay at MWC 2015, for mobile payment services.

Android Pay

Google's Android Pay would be available as an API. It could be easy for the developers to integrate payment services in their mobile applications. Google already has a payment management application Google Wallet, Google Wallet is going to leverage the Android Pay API as payment source.

This will take online payment to the next level. For more information visit : Features of Google's Android Pay?

Kamis, 21 Mei 2015

Report: Apple Announced Smart Home App for iOS 9

Smart Home App for iOS 9 By Apple

Apple is testing a iOS 9, that includes the new app, which will reportedly allow users to setup new smart home products such as wireless door lock, wireless garage door openers, wireless smart thermostat controller and other features to make smart, safe and secure home for living.

Smart Home App for iOS 9

After some weeks WWDC is going to happen, however Apple revealed their upcoming Home-kit-compatible accessories for iOS 9.

According to 9to5mac Apple has working on Home-kit framework and Home App silently, after their last year announcement in WWDC.

As of now, it is not clear whether this will be announced at WWDC or not. It is believed that Home app will remain active solely for internal usage and can be pushed for customer use in future.

Source: First Spot

Rabu, 20 Mei 2015

Best Mobile App for Creating Collage for iOS and Androd Phones By Instagram

Layout Your Collage with Instagram's Layout

Layout from Instagram

Layout is a collage creating app from Instagram. Earlier Instagram developed its this mobile app for iOS only. But now good news for Android users, you can download and install this amazing collage making apps in your Android mobile phones.

Layout lets you create fun, one-of-a-kind layouts by remixing your own photos and sharing them with your friends. Choose photos from your camera roll use the built-in Photo Booth to take spur-of-the-moment shots and instantly see them laid out in various combinations. Pick the layout you like best, then edit it to make it your own.

Amazing Collage Collage With Layout

Layout's smooth, intuitive process gives you complete creative control. Tap to mirror, flip or replace images, hold and drag to swap them, pinch to zoom in or out, or pull the handles to resize. You're the editor, so get creative, tell a story, show off an outfit or just splice, dice and change the look of your regular photos to convey a mood or theme.

You can do following with Layout:
  • Re-mix up to 9 of your photos at a time to create fun, personalized layouts.
  • Use the Faces tab to quickly find photos with people in them.
  • Capture the moment in Photo Booth mode with quick, spontaneous shots.
  • Save your layouts to your camera roll and share them seamlessly to Instagram or other networks.
  • Easily see the last 30 photos you've selected in the Recents tab.
  • Pair your layouts with Instagram's filters and creative tools afterwards to make them stand out even more.
  • Download and start creating immediately. No signup or account required and no clutter breaking up your flow.
Enjoy creating amazing collages, share them with your friends and put them on your social profiles. Download layout for your preferred devices from below.

Download for Android

Download for iOS

Source: The Verge 

Senin, 18 Mei 2015

Best Way to Monetize Your Mobile Apps and Games with Amazon's Ad Network

Get Paid Through Your Mobile Apps and Games

Mobile app developers get ready to monetize your mobile applications. Amazon Inc. is bringing you a new mobile app advertising platform that will promote your apps on Android mobile phones and tablets, and also on amazon tablets.

This advertisement platform will allow developers, to promote their mobile apps across the Amazon's Ad Network as well as via mobile placement on the Android mobile applications.

As per he report it is believed that this ad network has potential to reach millions of customers. It will target the users who are likely to spend on in-apps purchases.

According to reports by newzoo 64% of mobile gamers who use the Amazon Appstore spend money on mobile games than 37% of Google Play. So, clearly it is going to target Amazon Appstore users.

Company said setting up a new campaign takes a little as 90 seconds and require an investment of minimum $100. When user clicks your ad then only you will be charged somewhat like Google's Admob platform. However, it allows targeting users based on age, interest, location etc easily.

Earlier this platform was in beta version, but now it is fully functional in US. The company also runs a Free App of the Day program to boost downloads, as well as other tools for customer acquisition, including the ability to manage pricing and sales from an online dashboard.

Source: Tech Crunch and Amazon

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2015

Best Games For Your Apple Watch

Fully Loaded Apple Watch

Apple watch is breaking all the previous records of sell in wearable marketplace. Most of us have got their amazing Apple watch now why don't we know how to make good use of it. Below I have provided some Apple watch games to pass your time having fun and joy.



Game about swords and battle with dragons and other creatures. You can use it without your phone it is first native app for your Apple watch. Enjoy playing, fighting on your wrist.

If you don't have it want to purchase then download it from here.

Spy Watch

Spy Watch

Teach spying to your agents. Become spy with your smart watch. However it will not make your James Bond the 007. Get notified from your agent and tell them what to do next. It will make your spy feel.

If you don't have it want to purchase then download it from here.

Watch Quest

Watch Quest

It is an adventure that spans both your iPhone and Watch. Your phone is the base of a kingdom, where you can recruit adventurers to go on quests. And once those quests start, the action moves to your Apple wrist watch.

If you don't have it want to purchase then download it from here.



If you own Rules the iOS puzzler, then connect it with your Apple watch. It is same as you have it in your phone, however it will look smaller yet make you addictive.

If you don't have it want to purchase then download it from here.

Apple Watch

Believe me it is worth to have an Apple watch. I personally love Apple products. If you have not got your Apple watch yet, then hurry up order it and learn more about what your Apple watch can do for you.

Source:  The Verge
Apple Watch

Best Apples Watch Apps You Must Know

Apple Watch

Do you know what your Apple watch can do for you. It can do much more things beyond our imagination. Apple watch fully packed with lots of application that can make your life more easy. Now put your mobile phones in your pocket, you will not required to have your phone in your hand and do those things now easily with your Apple smartwatch. Read below about applications and features of Apple watch.

Apple WatchesWith this app you can easily build your shopping list on the fly. Whenever you visit the store it automatically take you to the item pages of your shopping list.

With this app in your apple watch you can unlock your hotel rooms of Starwood Hotels and Resorts. You can also get direction to your rooms, your room reservation status and Startpoints in your account.

American Airlines
With this app you will be notified for the notifications of leaving for airport, flight status and information. You can also check in from your Apple watch and you can track your luggage and time.

Nike+ Running
While running keep your Apple watch in your pocket. It will analyze your distance, speed and duration on the go. listen music during workout pairing it with your bluetooth headphones.

Browse your feed, like photos, comment with emojis and become up to date with Apple watch in your hands.

BMW iRemote
Get charging notification of your electric BMW. You can also check range, door-lock status, service reminders and more. Even you can adjust cabin temperature.

Get a complete 140 character tweet. you will be notified with new tweets, check your timeline and compose your tweets by dictating.

It shows you the fastest routes wherever you want to go. It provides step-by-step instructions based on your location and much more.

Check what is for dinner, where to go for dinner and up coming reservations and find way for your restaurant.

Do everything to get known and design your best trips. Get information of nearby restaurants, sights and tourist destinations.

Green Kitchen
It provides you lots of healthy recipes and get help in your cooking with your Apple watch.

It provides you real-time statics like avg. speed , distance, elevation and heart rate during ride or run. Updates you in your workouts and awards trophies for breaking personal record for motivating.

Sky Guide
If you are curious about knowing upcoming astronomical events like meteor shower, full moons, solar and lunar eclipses etc. It will notify you with upcoming astronomical events.

Explore nearby real estate listing, get no. of rooms, price and other information on the go.

PayByPhone Parking
Now, you don't need to get tickets for parking your vehicle. Pay you parking charge through your phone and it will notify about remaining time and you can extend your time also.

Dark Sky
Get known with the weather in your location in advance. so you can plan your trips or going out for fun.

It will give you all the details of playing song even it will tell you what the singer is saying, you can also read the lyrics and get that song.

Get latest news and get notified with updates. You can save news for reading later.

This is not it, visit below link and explore what your Apple watch can do for you from Apple itself.

Source: Apple
Purchase Apple's amazing product Apple Watch

Kamis, 14 Mei 2015

Google Fit Update: Track and Estimate Your Calories Burned

Th Google has already launched health and fitness mobile and wearable app "Google Fit" last year. Google Fit is updated with new feature of tracking and estimating your calories burned. Google Fit app lets you track your health and daily activities.

Google Fit

Google Fit in your mobile phones, makes you track your and others health and fitness related changes. It makes you active, aware and motivated for your healthy life.

Google Fit

You can do following things with Google Fit -
  • Effortlessly track your activity:
    • Just carry your phone and get access to your walking, running and cycling activity.
  • Reach your fitness goals:
    • Set goals based on either duration or steps and see your progress throughout the day.
    • Receive performance-based recommendations for activity goals.
  • A comprehensive view of your fitness:
    • Connect third party devices and apps to Fit and we’ll show you all of your fitness data in one place.
  • Available everywhere:
    • Compatible with all Android Wear devices.
    • Also access Google Fit on the through your tablet or laptop.
    Google Fit

    You can track 100 of activities like walking, running, biking, aerobics, badminton, baseball, basketball, boxing, tennis, table tennis, dancing, diving, cricket, football, hockey, cycling and many more other activities.

    Download and Install Google Fit for your Android devices and start tracking your activities.

    There is another Google product named as My Track. If you want to record your path, speed, distance and elevation while you walk, run, bike or anything else. You can view and annotate your data while recording and you will be notified with voice commands for your progress. Even you can sync your records with your Google Drive.

    My Track

    It also supports Android wearable, wearable with GPS enables My Track to perform GPS recording of all your tracks. You can share your records with your Google+, Twitter and Facebook friends directly.

    My Track

    Download and Install My Track for your Android Devices.

    Looking for more health and fitness apps for your android device then visit 12 Google Fit Developer Challenge Winner Apps

    Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

    Best 17 Mobile Phones at $110

    Buy best mobile phone at $110.

    I have enlisted 17 best mobile phones at $110. Loose you pockets little bit and  let best and big mobile phone get in.

    1. Micromax YU Yuphoria
    Micromax subsidiary brand YU launched Yuphoria after Yureka. It is best budget phone containing following specifications:

    Micromax YU Yuphoria
    • Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 clocked 1.2 GHz processor
    • 2 GB of RAM and 16 GB of internal capacity
    • 5-inch IPS display with 720x1080 pixel resolution, Corning Gorilla Glass 3
    • Metal body
    • Android 5.0 Lollypop with CyanogenMod 12
    • 8.25mm thick with 143 gms of weight
    • 4G LTE enabled
    • 8 MP rear camera with f/2.o aperture and 5 MP front camera for better selfies
    • 2230 mAh battery
    For more information visit Micromax YU Yuphoria

    Go for the best budgeted 4G LTE enabled smartphone under $110

    2. Huawei Honor Holly
    Huawei Honor Holly
    • Dual Sim, 3G, Wi-Fi
    • Quad Core, 1.3 GHz Processor
    • 1 GB RAM, 16 GB inbuilt
    • 2000 mAH Battery
    • 5 inches, 720 x 1280 px display
    • 8 MP Camera with flash
    • Memory Card Supported, upto 32 GB
    • Android, v4.4.2
    For more information visit Huawei Honor Holly

    3. Xiaomi Redmi 2

    Xiaomi Redmi 2

    • Dual Sim, 3G, Wi-Fi
    • Quad Core, 1.2 GHz Processor
    • 1 GB RAM, 8 GB inbuilt
    • 2200 mAH Battery
    • 4.7 inches, 720 x 1280 px display
    • 8 MP Camera with flash
    • Memory Card Supported, upto 32 GB
    • Android, v4.4.4
    For more information visit Xiaomi Redmi 2

    4. Motorola Moto E (2nd Gen)

    Motorola Moto E (2nd Gen)

    • Dual Sim, 3G, Wi-Fi
    • Quad Core, 1.2 GHz Processor
    • 1 GB RAM, 8 GB inbuilt
    • 2390 mAH Battery
    • 4.5 inches, 540 x 960 px display
    • 5 MP Camera
    • Memory Card Supported, upto 32 GB
    • Android, v5.0
    For more information visit Motorola Moto E (2nd Gen)

    5. Samsung Galaxy Core

    Samsung Galaxy Core

    • Dual Sim, 3G, Wi-Fi
    • Quad Core, 1.2 GHz Processor
    • 768 MB RAM, 4 GB inbuilt
    • 2000 mAH Battery
    • 4.5 inches, 480 x 800 px display
    • 5 MP Camera with flash
    • Memory Card Supported, upto 64 GB
    • Android, v4.4.2
    For more information visit Samsung Galaxy Core

    6. Lenovo K3

    Lenovo K3

    • Dual Sim, 3G, Wi-Fi
    • Quad Core, 1.2 GHz Processor
    • 1 GB RAM, 16 GB inbuilt
    • 2300 mAH Battery
    • 5 inches, 720 x 1280 px display
    • 8 MP Camera with flash
    • Memory Card Supported, upto 32 GB
    • Android, v4.4.2
    For more information visit Lenovo K3

    7. Microsoft Lumia 638

    Microsoft Lumia 638

    • 3G, Wi-Fi
    • Quad Core, 1.2 GHz Processor
    • 1 GB RAM, 8 GB inbuilt
    • 1830 mAH Battery
    • 4.5 inches, 480 x 854 px display
    • 5 MP Camera
    • Memory Card Supported, upto 128 GB
    • Windows Phone, v8.1
    For more information visit Microsoft Lumia 638

    8. Sony Xperia M

    Sony Xperia M

    • 3G, Wi-Fi, NFC
    • Dual Core, 1 GHz Processor
    • 1 GB RAM, 4 GB inbuilt
    • 1750 mAH Battery
    • 4 inches, 480 x 854 px display
    • 5 MP Camera with flash
    • Memory Card Supported, upto 32 GB
    • Android, v4.1
    For more information visit Sony Xperia M

    9. HTC Explorer (Pico) A310e

    HTC Explorer (Pico) A310e

    • 3G, Wi-Fi
    • 600 MHz Processor
    • 512 MB RAM, 90 MB inbuilt
    • 1230 mAH Battery
    • 3.2 inches, 320 x 480 px display
    • 3 MP Camera
    • Memory Card Supported, upto 32 GB
    • Android, v2.3
    For more information visit HTC Explorer (Pico) A310e

    10. Xolo Omega 5.0

    Xolo Omega 5.0

    • Dual Sim, 3G, Wi-Fi
    • Octa Core, 1.4 GHz Processor
    • 1 GB RAM, 8 GB inbuilt
    • 2100 mAH Battery
    • 5 inches, 720 x 1280 px display
    • 8 MP Camera with flash
    • Memory Card Supported, upto 32 GB
    • Android, v4.4.2
    For more information visit Xolo Omega 5.0

    11. Gionee Pioneer P4

    Gionee Pioneer P4

    • Dual Sim, 3G, Wi-Fi
    • Quad Core, 1.3 GHz Processor
    • 1 GB RAM, 8 GB inbuilt
    • 1800 mAH Battery
    • 4.5 inches, 480 x 854 px display
    • 5 MP Camera with flash
    • Memory Card Supported, upto 32 GB
    • Android, v4.2
    For more information visit Gionee Pioneer P4

    12. iBall 4.5m Enigma Plus

    iBall 4.5m Enigma Plus

    • Dual Sim, 3G, Wi-Fi
    • Quad Core, 1.3 GHz Processor
    • 1 GB RAM, 8 GB inbuilt
    • 1800 mAH Battery
    • 4.5 inches, 960 x 540 px display
    • 13 MP Camera
    • Memory Card Supported, upto 32 GB
    • Android, v4.4
    For more information visit iBall 4.5m Enigma Plus

    13. Spice Mi-549

    Spice Mi-549

    • Dual Sim, 3G, Wi-Fi
    • Quad Core, 1.3 GHz Processor
    • 1 GB RAM, 8 GB inbuilt
    • 2200 mAH Battery
    • 5.5 inches, 1080 x 1920 px display
    • 8 MP Camera with flash
    • Memory Card Supported, upto 32 GB
    • Android, v4.4
    For more information visit Spice Mi-549

    14. Lava Iris X1 Grand

    Lava Iris X1 Grand

    • Dual Sim, 3G, Wi-Fi
    • Quad Core, 1.3 GHz Processor
    • 1 GB RAM, 8 GB inbuilt
    • 2200 mAH Battery
    • 5 inches, 480 x 854 px display
    • 8 MP Camera with flash
    • Memory Card Supported, upto 32 GB
    • Android, v4.4.2
    For more information visit Lava Iris X1 Grand

    15. HSL One Plus

     HSL One Plus

    • Dual Sim, 3G, Wi-Fi
    • Octa Core, 1.2 GHz Processor
    • 1 GB RAM, 8 GB inbuilt
    • 2000 mAH Battery
    • 5 inches, 540 x 960 px display
    • 8 MP Camera with flash
    • Memory Card Supported, upto 32 GB
    • Android, v4.4
    For more information visit HSL One Plus

    16. Panasonic Eluga A

    Panasonic Eluga A

    • Dual Sim, 3G, Wi-Fi
    • Quad Core, 1.2 GHz Processor
    • 1 GB RAM, 4 GB inbuilt
    • 2000 mAH Battery
    • 5 inches, 480 x 854 px display
    • 8 MP Camera with flash
    • Memory Card Supported, upto 32 GB
    • Android, v4.3
    For more information visit Panasonic Eluga A

    17. ZTE N919D

    ZTE N919D

    • Dual Sim, 3G, Wi-Fi
    • Quad Core, 1.2 GHz Processor
    • 1 GB RAM, 4 GB inbuilt
    • 2500 mAH Battery
    • 5 inches, 480 x 854 px display
    • 8 MP Camera with flash
    • Memory Card Supported, upto 32 GB
    • Android, v4.1
    For more information visit ZTE N919D

    Buy your best smartphone in budget. Why should everybody have that fun if you can have it too in your budget. Enjoy mobility, enjoy mobile apps and games. Get you one from above above and have all the fun in your pocket.